Roasted Cabbage

Roasted Cabbage

Guaranteed gasps when you serve this puppy at your next dinner party.

We don’t see purple cabbage too often, and the colors make it oh-so-beautiful.

While the original recipe is vegan, using butter instead of olive oil can amp up the flavor.

If you don’t need to make it vegetarian, I’d even suggest drizzling a tablespoon of chicken broth over the cabbage before roasting, so flavor seeps into every leafy layer.

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Crispy Roasted Cabbage

1 small purple cabbage
1/4 cup olive oil (or butter)
Juice of one lemon
Salt and pepper to season
1/2 cup blanched almonds, roasted
2 tbsp dried dill
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/3 cup continental parsley, finely chopped

Cooking times: 30 minutes to boil; 60-90 minutes to roast
Oven temp: 170C/350F
Suggestions: consider slicing the cabbage into 1/4 wedges or even 1/8 wedges to serve as a side dish. Also consider drizzling a little chicken broth into the leafy layers so flavor gets into the middle.

roasted cabbage
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